San Diego Festival Chorus



Ticket Sales Resources

We need to advertise the concert! The Chorus depends on ticket revenue for the bulk of its operations.

Here is a Concert flyer in color that you can download, save, and email to your friends as an attachment.

Spring 2025 flyer (in color) for emailing - pdf

1. Print the flyer with your invitation letter on the back and mail them to your friends.
2. Write an email to your friends and attach the pdf color flyer. Don't forget to include your contact information for tickets! Or refer them to to purchase tickets.

You can also print hard copies of the poster and place them where music lovers gather.

Here is a Concert flyer in color that you can download, save, and post to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and X. Also, please Like or Share any posts about the concert that you see.

Spring 2025 flyer (color) for posting to social media - jpg

Facebook posting. Facebook will automatically display the website address as long as the part is included in the post. NOTE: Check the Who Can See It box (next to the Post button) to make sure that your post can be seen by as many people as possible. "Public" is best, "Friends" is a second choice.

There are similar options on X, Instagram, and other social media sites.